Monday, November 9, 2015

Collective class. "proverbs" (reading)

This time, as a team, we preperad a readding class for teenagers and adults. Our students were our classmates from the teaching practicum group 2.

Teachers Giovanny & Georgina started the class making the game "the broken telephone." Students made 2 lines tthe first member of each line had to see a page and they had to say to the classmate next to him what he read. students had to pass the message to all their classmate, and the last person in the line had to go to the board and write what they heard. 

Note: This was a goog way to introduce the topic.

Teachers Karla R. & Karla P. presented the topic "proverbs" teachers pasted on the whiteboard different words. they explain the words one by one. teachers asked to some students to pass and try to put to the words their correct meaning. those words were in the text that teacher will read in the next activity. 

Later, students made a circle and teachers gave to them a piece of paper which had a Poverb, studensts had to read it and say what they understand about that proverb.

Note: communicative activities always are useful. 

Then was the turn of teachers Abi & Hazel. Teachers gave to the students a text. Students had to read it and then complete a worksheet. then, they compare answers together.  

For the next activity, teacher Fatima & Vanessa gave to the students a proverb and a blank page in which they had to make a drawing that represent the proverb that they had. then they had to pass to the front and their classmates had to guess the proverb. 

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