Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Class: "Sports" (Teachers Nahomy & Karla)

  • Bingo Song: teacher nahomy pasted in the board, a poster with the lyrics of the bingo song. teacher and students sang together. At second time, teacher showed some gestures to students. then teacher and students sang the song 2 times more making gestures.
Materials: Poster with lyrics.

Teacher Karla present 6 diferents sports and the spelling of each, then she asked to the students to repeat after her 3 times.
  • Simon says: teacher karla pasted on the board, pictures of some sports and the spelling (untidy).the students were stand up in front of the board. teacher Karla said the phrase "simon says make groups of 3." students had to make groups of 3 and the student who was alone, had to put the correct spelling in a picture of one sport.
Materials: Flashcards with the sports and spelling.

  • Scrabble words: Students made groups of 3, each group had little pieces of paper with letters. the teacher will say the name of a sport, and the students had to form the word that the teacher mentioned. 
Materials: Scrabble words.

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