Sunday, August 16, 2015

Class: "Colors" (Teachers Fatima & Vanessa)

  • Find the color: students made pairs. Teacher vanessa took a little bag in which she had little pictures of the colors. the teacher showed to the students a picture of a color and the students had to find an object in the classroom with that color.
Materials: litle pictures of colors & bag

Teacher fatima presented the topic, showing to the students flashcards with the colors. she asked to the students "what color is it?" to know if they were familiar with that color. then she presented the spelling of each color, 
Materials: Flaschcards with the colors and spelling.

  • Colors balloons: Teacher vanessa presented to the students eight balloons of each color, students made pair to pick up a piece of paper for example if the student has chosen the piece of paper with color orange the pair of students have to write in other piece of paper the corresponding spelling of the color. Then students pasted the spelling in the corresponding balloon.
    Materials: paper balloons, marckers and piece of paper.
Note: all the materials were colored full, that is very important when you are worcking with kids

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