Friday, October 9, 2015

Class # 12 Body talk ( vocabulary) - Teacher Karla P. & Karla R.

Teacher Karla played a botle ande the botles will point to one of the students.

that students had to past to the whiteboard an try to complete the picture. 

Note: this was a perfect way to introduce the topic.

Teacher Karla P. presented the topic which was about the part of the body.

she pasted on the withboard flashcards with 10 part of the body. she asked to the students to repeat after her.

then, she asked tothe students to past and pasted the correct name tape on the poster.

Note: this was a good way to get the students focus on the class, they really wanted to participate.

As a little practice, teacher Karla asked to the students to touch their eyes, hands, legs and etc. to be sure if the students had aquired the vocabulary.
Note: this was a good way to review the vocabulary also, to know if the students were ready to past to the next activity

  • Complete the picture. students made 2 lines, in front of the whiteboard. 

Each group had part of the body which they had to complete a little poster that was pasted on the whiteboard.

Note: I really like that material.

students had to complete the little poster with the parts of the body and name tape of each.

  • Simon says. teacher pasted on the whiteboard a picture of the face of "simon" teacher stand up and listen to simon. then she said a command for example: " simon said. touch your eyes" and students had to do that. stuendest take turns to asked to simon and said a command.

then, students worked in a worksheet and compere their answer.

Note: that was a exelent class! the materials and the interactions of the teachers and students were great.

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